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In the realm of legal matters, the term "lawyer" often conjures up images from television shows or movies, which may not entirely capture the true essence of what lawyers do. While Hollywood portrayals can be entertaining, they frequently miss the mark when it comes to depicting the multifaceted role of lawyers. To shed light on this profession and dispel common misconceptions, we've put together this comprehensive guide to understanding what exactly a lawyer is and what they do.

Defining a Lawyer

A lawyer, also referred to as an attorney, counsel, or counselor, is a licensed professional who offers advice and legal representation to individuals or entities in various legal matters. It's important to recognize that today's legal landscape is diverse. Lawyers come from all walks of life, encompassing a wide age range, and spanning gender and cultural diversity. In fact, nearly one-third of all lawyers are under the age of thirty-five, showcasing the evolving face of this profession. Furthermore, a substantial portion of law students today are women, and it's quite conceivable that women will become just as prominent in the legal profession as men in the near future.

Duties of a Lawyer

Lawyers shoulder two primary responsibilities: upholding the law and safeguarding the rights of their clients. To effectively fulfill these duties, a lawyer must possess an intricate understanding of the law and be a skillful communicator. Their tasks encompass a diverse array of activities, extending far beyond what is portrayed in a courtroom drama.

Contrary to the common belief that lawyers spend the majority of their time arguing cases in court, the reality is quite different. Most lawyers dedicate more of their time to work conducted within the walls of their offices. The practice of law predominantly involves research into legal developments, thorough investigation of facts, the drafting and preparation of legal documents, offering legal advice, and facilitating the resolution of disputes.

Requirements for Becoming a Lawyer

To grasp how lawyers operate within the legal system, it's essential to understand the rigorous educational and professional requirements they must meet. Each state in the United States has established standards that individuals must adhere to before obtaining a license to practice law within that jurisdiction. The key prerequisites for becoming a lawyer are as follows:

Educational Attainment

Prospective lawyers must hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent to embark on their legal journey.

Law School

Aspiring lawyers are required to complete a three-year program at a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA).

Bar Examination

Passing a state bar examination is a critical step in becoming a lawyer. These examinations typically span two to three days and evaluate a candidate's knowledge across various legal areas. Additionally, candidates are assessed on their understanding of professional ethics and responsibility.

Character and Fitness Review

Applicants for law licenses undergo a thorough character and fitness review. This process entails an investigation into an individual's background and character to ensure they are fit to practice law.


Once successfully navigating the previous stages, candidates typically swear an oath to uphold the laws and the state and federal constitutions.


Finally, a lawyer must receive a license from the highest court in their respective state, which is typically the state supreme court.

Practicing Law Across State Lines

A common question arises regarding whether a lawyer licensed in one state can practice law in another. The answer is not straightforward. While some states permit out-of-state lawyers to practice if they have accumulated several years of experience and receive approval from the new state's highest court, it's not automatic. In most cases, lawyers must comply with the bar admission requirements of each state where they intend to practice. There are also provisions for lawyers to participate in specific cases in states where they are not licensed, known as "appearing pro hoc vice."

Do You Always Need to Hire a Lawyer?

The necessity of hiring a lawyer depends on the specific legal issue at hand. In many situations, individuals can choose to represent themselves. Moreover, in certain specialized contexts, such as filing a complaint before a government agency, individuals may find that nonlawyers or paralegals are qualified to represent them. Paralegals are individuals who have received training enabling them to assist lawyers with various tasks, although they typically cannot represent clients in court.

For matters that individuals can handle themselves, such as appearing in traffic court or small-claims court, or engaging in negotiations and contract agreements, it's possible to go solo. However, if uncertainty looms over the consequences of one's actions or the appropriate course of action, seeking legal advice from a lawyer can be a wise move to prevent future complications.

The Language of Law

One aspect that often baffles those outside the legal field is the use of legal jargon and complex terminology. Lawyers, much like professionals in other industries, employ specialized language to express intricate concepts and principles efficiently. These words and phrases, many of which have Latin origins, are sometimes humorously referred to as "legalese." However, it's crucial to ensure that legal documents are comprehensible to their intended audience.

Since 1978, federal regulations mandate that legal texts should be composed in plain, understandable English, and this practice is also upheld in many states. Clear communication is key in the legal profession, and while some level of legalese may be necessary for precision, documents that are understood by only a handful of readers constitute poor communication. Law schools are increasingly discouraging the use of legalese and emphasizing the use of plain, comprehensible English.

In conclusion, understanding the role of a lawyer is vital for anyone navigating the complexities of the legal world. Lawyers play a crucial part in upholding the law, protecting the rights of individuals, and providing essential guidance in various legal matters. Their educational journey, licensing requirements, and diverse range of responsibilities make the legal profession a multifaceted and dynamic field. Clear communication and accessibility are important principles in modern law, ensuring that legal concepts are conveyed in a way that is understandable to all.

